Upholding our Good Reputation

〈 Basic Policy for Compliance 〉

As a member of both the business community and the local community, we promise to contribute towards fostering a society that is healthy and prosperous in every way by offering safe, reassuring, high-quality products to our customers through fair and honest business activities in line with our high standards of social ethics and based on the observance of all relevant laws and regulations.

Safety and Assurance

As food producers that play a part in the supply chain from the grower to the customer, we strive to make every process, from planning/development to sales, as safe, fair, and reassuring as we can, based on our management principles, our product quality policy, and the law.

Environmental Initiatives

We consider the earthユs environment a precious resource, so we save resources and energy to minimize the environmental impact of our business activities.

Supporting Communities

We have been giving back to our local community through our Almond Festival, which all began with some almond seedlings we received from one of our Californian suppliers in 1978. At first we did not know if they would survive in such a different climate, but they soon grew into magnificent almond trees and are now enjoyed by everyone.

Ecological Journeys

Here are some of the things we are doing to create a sustainable society.