
Founder Taisuke Nakajima

FOUNDING 1959~62

1959 Establishes Toyo Nut Co., Ltd.
Launches Japan’s first commercial Almond processing operations.

GROWING 1962~67

1962 Sumiyoshi Factory is completed.
1967 Mikage Factory is completed.


1970 Participation in the Expo ‘70 International Bazaar in Osaka; helps to promote and raise the awareness of Cashews.
1971 Development of “Nu Nuts” (low-fat, high-protein peanuts) through a technical tie-up with Seabrook Corporation in the US and Fuji Oil Co., Ltd.
Development of a simple method for detecting aflatoxins (carcinogenic toxins) and present it at the 26th Meeting of the Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety.
1978 Head Office and Factory are completed


1982 Receives Corporate Excellence in Food Hygiene Award from the City of Kobe.
1984 First Almond Festival is held.
1985 Enters into sales collaboration with the National Peanut Council of America (NPCA).
  Honey Peanuts go on sale in Japan.
Receives award from the Japan Food Hygiene Association.

1990 Receives Golden Award from the Japanese Red Cross Society.
1993 Serves as the first Chairman of the Japan Nut Association
Receives Safety and Health Advancement Award from the Hyogo Labour Standards Bureau.
  Recognized as the first Comfortable Workplace Promotion Plan Office within the jurisdiction of the Hyogo Labour Standards Bureau.
1996 Founder Taisuke Nakajima passes away at age 74